Fiche 82, exercice supplémentaire 1

  1. Dictée sans aide. Prenez tout d'abord connaissance de l'enregistrement sans rien écrire puis écrivez une première fois. Relisez ce que vous avez écrit puis écoutez le texte de la dictée une seconde fois. Corrigez vos erreurs éventuelles. Relisez ce que vous avez écrit.

  2. Afficher le corrigé
    Here in the kitchen at 3.55 a.m., in a single pool of light, as though on a stage, is Theo, eighteen years old, reclining on a tilted-back chair, his legs in tight black jeans, his feet in boots of soft black leather crossed on the edge of the table. He's drinking from a large tumbler of water. In the other hand he holds the folded-back music magazine he's reading. A studded leather jacket lies in a heap on the floor. Propped against a cupboard is his guitar in its case.

    Ian McEwan, Saturday, © Ian McEwan 2005. Reproduced by permission of the Ian McEwan c/o Rogers, Coleridge & White Ltd., 20 Powis Mews, London W11 1 JN